
Wednesday, December 3, 2014

It Was Giving Tuesday Yesterday

Sometimes the biggest impact you can have from a perspective of charity is giving to the little people around you. That mom who is having a hard day with tears in her eyes, the young adult lost who can't find their way, the children cold and hungry in your community, old people forgotten in the nursing homes. A smile, a dollar, $10 it doesn't have to be much! Give, because to quote our priest from last Sunday's homily, "your state of happiness, your good fortune, is incomplete if you do not give to those in need"! How powerful is that? I took me back a minute. I have much to be thankful for but I never thought of my happiness and contentment being incomplete without giving to others. I know the importance of giving, helping, sharing, but I never tied them directly to my own situation.

It was Giving Tuesday yesterday, but it's not too late to do something about it! I am helping my sister and inviting others to help her too. It is my duty to help her, I don't have to enlist anybody's help, but I am just putting this out there because she needs help and I love her. She is a precious soul that willingly suffers for others and offers her pain for those in need. She is a kind and true friend who will always listen and mighty prayer warrior who is unceasingly praying for others. She suffers immense physical ailment and because of it financial hardship from endless surgeries, medical treatments, and doctor visits. A kind friend of hers put together this fundraiser for her and I am giving and sharing it today! This is Courtney:

And here is the fundraiser for her: Rally For Courtney

Here is a picture of Courtney giving...making her
 famous pies for others like the
firefighters at the fire house and veterans at the VA!


Thanks for reading and maybe passing this along, if nothing else please say a prayer for her that she has the grace to carry on when she feels alone, hopeless, and is in pain.

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