
Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Attend the Catholic Conference 4 Moms Feb 20th

This Lent I am adding in some things to deepen my relationship with our Lord and not just cutting out some goodies or enjoyment. I think adding some great spiritual reading, a little extra time for prayer, and maybe a retreat. Have you heard of the amazing Catholic Conference 4 Moms? Well I went last year from the comfort of my own home and it was great! How often do you think you want to just get some spiritual refreshment but you either don't live anywhere near where a retreat or conference is taking place or also don't know how you would fit it into your schedule? 

There is a great line up of speakers and it's all professionally filmed for your viewing pleasure at the convenience of your internet capable device on February 20th. And there is more great news, I have a coupon code for you to use to make the already ridiculously reasonable rate of $14.99 even more affordable so use the Code HANDMADE when you click here to check out at Catholic Conference 4 Moms.

We gave a beautiful birthstone bracelet and custom patron saint kids Rosary set to the Catholic Conference 4 moms so they could give it away to someone who attends their online conference! Maybe it will be you...

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