
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Paddy and the Wolves: Encouraging Little Ones to Pray and Praise the Lord (A Book Review & Giveaway)

I would love to share with all of you this great new children's book about St. Patrick titled Paddy and the Wolves written by Steve Nagel and illustrated by Jen Norton. I have been given a copy of this book and it's companion coloring book to by Gracewatch Media to review. I hope you get as excited about it as we are!

I never thought I would scour the world over for St. Patrick's Day celebration ideas before I married into a very Irish family. The McCarthy's take feasting on this day to a whole new level, one which was completely foreign to me. And it all circled around the food: corned beef & cabbage and loaves upon loaves of great Nanna's Irish soda bread. Now my little ones look forward to celebrating St. Patrick's feast day with great delight.

I am so thrilled to have been introduced to Paddy and the Wolves. It is a delightful children's book with gorgeous illustrations and will be a treasure for our collection for years to come. The best part of this book is that it encourages little ones to praise the Lord in a special way. If you want to breath new life into how you celebrate St. Patrick's day this year pick up a copy of this great book and it's coloring companion. There is also a great FREE printable board game that we will being playing after we read the book as a family. The kids had so much fun putting the board game together!

This book and coloring companion have just about everything you need to put on a great St. Patrick's Day celebration because in the back of the book there are activity suggestions, more information about the life of St. Patrick, and prayers!

What are some ways you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?

And now for that cool St. Patrick Rosary Giveaway: A beautiful green stone rosary with Celtic crucifix and a St. Patrick center! The giveaway opens today 3/5/17 and will end next Sunday 3/12/17 Open to residents of the US and Canada.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love to make Corned Beef and Cabbage for Saint Patrick's Day and watch the story of Saint Patrick with my kids!

  2. We celebrate with plenty of themed food and fun, and a good portion of friends if we can manage. :) Many pics from past celebrations are here -

    1. How fantastic! Our parish is St. Patrick's so we usually celebrate with lots of folks too :)

  3. Love dancing singing and eating!

  4. Everyone assumes I'm Irish since I have red hair but my family if from Germany. I do love corned beef

  5. We wear green, I play and sing St. Patrick songs all day long :-), we attend a party at the grade school I attended, and this year we are going to a parade!

  6. We try to have some Irish food. It's also my mom's birthday!

  7. Shamrock Shakes are my favorite tradition ;)

  8. We love to celebrate with the kids. The little ones love coloring St Patrick coloring pages, the bigger kids and little kids dress in green. We eat corned beef and cabbage. We celebrate at home since we live on a farm out of town. The board game looks so awesome and I bet my kiddos would love it. :)

  9. We make corned beef and cabbage. We hide gold coins around the house for the kids to find.

  10. We do some Irish food and read the life of saint patrick

  11. We go to Mass at the St Patrick parish near our house.

  12. And we have a winner: Leslie!!!!
