
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

FREE Scripture Coloring Valentines

34 I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another. 35 This is how all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” -John 13:34-35 

I think this verse is simply beautiful and exactly what I want to be focused on every day and not just on a day like Valentine's Day. 

Do you like to make your own Valentines or buy a card? 

I've made some cute printable coloring Valentine cards for you to use! I hope you'll enjoy sprinkling around the love Christ calls us to. 

Just save the image below and then you can print it out. I would recommend printing it on card stock. Cut the paper across in half, color and then fold. The inside will be blank so you can write in your own special note. 
If you love these simple notes as much as I do, maybe you'll want to color a full page just to put up on the wall. You can save the images below and then print them out. 

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Jesus Tree and Other Awesome Lenten Resources


I can't tell you how excited I was to find this simple Jesus Tree Family Lent Devotional from Elizabeth Clare in the Lent 2020 Catholic Mom Bundle . I have been looking for something just like this to do with my family through Lent. It's simple. All I needed to do was print and go. I did something with it that wasn't mentioned, but it will make it so much easier for me to implement this come Ash Wednesday.

I cut the little reading guide strips out and placed them all in our Bible so it's ready to go each day of  Lent! If I do nothing else with my family this Lent, I will feel like we at least journeyed with Jesus.