I didn't get around to making an advent calendar or Jesse tree this year and we barley got our tree up...thank goodness there was one more little tradition to count down the days till our sweet Savior is born! Praying the O Antiphons. For a few years I've been wanting to make a set of ornaments to put on our Christmas tree.
Just incase this is the only page you land on I have updated this Ornament printable with each Antiphon written on the ornament
in my newest blog post here.
If you use the printable please like and share so others can enjoy it too!
I thought it would be neat to have a little basket of gold pinecones each with a tiny painted O Antiphon. The kids can place one on our tree and then we could say the prayers for the respective O Antiphon. If you are a little bewildered as to what I'm talking about or have never heard of this beautiful tradition the O Antiphons are an ancient tradition in the church in which we anticipate Our Lord's birth by bring to mind these particular seven Messianic titles for Christ:
O Sapientia (O Wisdom),
O Adonai (O Lord),
O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse),
O Clavis David (O Key of David),
O Oriens (O Rising Sun),
O Rex Gentium (O King of the Nations), and finnally
O Emmanuel our long awaited King! Here is a great link that goes into further detail about the matter:
What Are the O Antiphons?
Onward to the ornaments. I painted seven pinecones in a bright gold...you could spray paint, glitter, sponge, brush or apply gold to the pinecones however you like.
I then painted seven little paintings of each O Antiphon and used a scrapbook software to put them in frames and make a layout so that I could print them, cut them out, and glue them onto my pinecones.
You could attach the printouts anyway you like this is just one of the many ways I was contemplating how to proceed with the project.