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Sculpture and Restorations

Posts About My Sculptures & Restorations

I love to restore religious statues especially for the clergy and religious. It is my little mission. This I do without any charge, it is a very special place of prayer for me and I take great delight in restoring the original sacred beauty so that others may reflect and be inspired. I hope I can continue this work all my life. It is a little more difficult with my little ones being the priority of my vocation at the moment, but every now and then I get to sneak away usually while they are fast asleep to one of my projects.

A project at the request of a dear priest friend of ours.  It was an old plaster statue someone had given him. I always forget to take a before picture.  The statue was in terrible distress, 2/3 of the paint was peeling off and a few fingers missing along with some sizable dents in the robe, arm and base. 

Here are a few more restoration projects:

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