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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Nikki's Fight

St. Agatha is the patron Saint for those suffering from breast cancer. This month we are supporting a young woman and her fight against this disease. We ask for St. Agatha's intercession in this young woman and mother's life.

In our shop we have made a custom necklace with pink pearls & crystals to support a fundraising event that will be held in her town and are offering to donate 25% of every sale at our shop for the remainder of the month of October to help Nikki. To support her with prayers and in any other way please visit the Pray & Pay page set up for Nikki!

Below are some pictures of the necklace we designed and have mailed off for the fundraiser.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

I really just want you all to PRAY so here is Another Rosary Giveaway!

Pray Pray Pray. Pray for peace and conversion. Contemplate the mysteries of Christ's life in this beautiful prayer that draws us into deep union with Our Lord. The Joyful, Sorrowful, Glorious, and Luminous Mysteries. The world needs your prayers.

To enter the giveaway, help our Facebook page get some likes. The giveaway is for one custom heirloom rosary.  The entry period ends at midnight on October13th.

Here is a Rosary Novena that our Diocese is praying for our can jump in it's never too late to start praying!

                                                 Marian Novena For Our Clergy