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Sunday, November 26, 2017

What Advent Traditions Will You and Yours Embrace?

This is a busy time of year! There is a lot going on.  So what are the things your family loves to do to help keep the focus on "you know who"? The who that this season is all based around, Jesus our king, the one we patiently anticipate!

I am jumping ahead here with and text above becuase it's fitting for today, the Feast of Christ the King. Jesus should be the joy of all our hearts and I pray this advent we can all focus on the coming of Christ our King.

Here are a few ways my family likes to prepare in Advent and they may also help you celebrate.

1. Make prayer a priority this Advent. You can do simple daily prayer and a great way to do that is with the St. Andrew Novena starting on Nov 30th and ending at Christmas. Also saying prayers when you light your advent candle or praying the O Antiphons the week leading up to Christmas.

2. Decorate and set up an Advent wreath with candles. Now is a great time to decorate but maybe instead of getting all the Christmas things out, you could bring out the greenery and use purples and pinks for Advent.

3. Find little ways to keep your focus on Jesus with caring for others. There are many ways your family can serve others this season. Check out this cute Advent Angel printable I have that is a little game to play to pass the time away
‘till baby Jesus comes to you. 

4. Celebrate the saints during Advent. A great way to focus on Jesus is getting to know the friends who loved him so!

5. Who doesn't love some Christmas music? Well, there are quite a few seasonal songs that focus on anticipating Christ's arrival instead of jumping the gun and celebrating it, like O Come Oh come Emmanuel. I have an Advent playlist going on Amazon Prime and with prime you get to listen to loads of free music. Well one list is just a bunch of different versions of O Come O Come Emmanuel!!!

Some resources for you:
My Annual FREE Advent Calendar
St. Andrew Christmas Novena Printable

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Advent is Short This Year Folks! {FREE Advent Calendar and a Giveaway too}

For the past few years I have put out a free Advent Calendar and this year is no exception. I love offering this to all of you and I pray it helps to plan a meaningful Advent for your little ones. We have a short season this year, the 4th Sunday of Advent is Christmas Eve!!

What are some special things you love to do during this season? Over here we are big on St. Nicholas day, lighting our Advent candles, and praying the O Antiphons. I have a super cute Advent Activity Pack available that includes the FREE calendar plus coloring pages, holy cards, O Antiphon ornaments, and more. You can find the Activity Pack in my Etsy shop, over at Peter's Square, or Catholic Mommy Blogs .

For a Very limited time you can even get my Advent Activity Pack as part of the Catholic Mom Bundle (available the week of  Nov 19-26th) that includes many other awesome resources relevant to mothers and the Advent season! (Affiliate link. I could get a commission if you buy through the Catholic Mom Bundle link )

The giveaway starts November 19th, ends November 26th and is open to anyone. So, I am giving away 3 items. #1: prize bundle of Advent Activity Pack PDF, a cool large purple kids Rosary, and Abigail the Angel PDF (a cute little angel you can print and cut out to hide all over with little prompts for doing good deeds) #2: Advent Activity Pack PDF and the last prize #3: Abigail the Angel PDF.