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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Rosary Giveaway and Book Review Too!

I'd love to introduce you to Annaliese Harry who has written this beautiful Advent devotional called Journey Through Advent

Anni is a proud Army wife, mamma, blogger, and author. A Beautiful Camouflaged Mess of A Life is her blog. She also writes inspirational pieces for Every Day Ediths, Catholic Sistas, and Catholic Mom. I think you would really enjoy following Anni for some inspiration in your life. The beautiful Advent cover art was illustrated by Caitlyn Anderson, you can check her stuff out on her Blog Lime & Lungs and over on Instagram @limeandlunges  

Although this devotional is written with the military woman in mind, it's  a great resource for moms like me because it is written beautifully simple. The little hand in the picture is my toddler and I don't have a lot of time to spend reading, but I desire to be nourished and fed at a pace that fits my station in life at the moment. 

I love how Anni organized this devotional with a meditation on the theme of each week in Advent and then how she lays out every day simple and to the point: Readings, Reflection, Prayer, and Action. 

One of my favorite parts is the little call to action at the end of each day's reflection. Sometimes you just need a little push to get going or to think of how to put into action your faith. I know I get stuck at times in the rut of survival just saying my go to prayers and making sure everyone is fed and reasonably content at the end of the day. 

I was thinking that it would be super fun to add this special edition pinkish purple Camo Rosary for a giveaway. It has a St. Michael medal center and is pretty sturdy. I make these in green camo and offer them over at my Etsy shop. The Giveaway for this Camo rosary is open to US Residents. It will run from now to November 21st. Enter the Giveaway through Rafflecopter below! 

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Coffee & Crayons: FREE Scripture Quote Coloring Page

A new friend recently inspired the making of this coloring page. She wanted something talking about the Eucharist and giving with space for families to write down what they were thankful for. So here it is a coloring page for you to write down what you as a family are thankful for. Hint: use the big space in the leaves to write your grateful sentiments! Ultimately our greatest gratitude should be Jesus in the Eucharist giving us life!
I hope to be more diligent with the Coffee & Crayons post. If you have suggestions or themes you would like to see as a coloring page just mention it in a comment!

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Free Online Conference 4 Moms Oct 10th -15th

Every year I choose to support the Conference 4 Moms because as a mom, it's hard to get away yet we yearn for fellowship and the chance to fill our cup up! This year's theme is to "Pass it On " and poses a great question: What’s Going Into Your Child’s Backpack?

Thousands of moms are getting together online for an exciting conference-- The Pass It On Catholic
Conference 4 Moms . Why is this so exciting? Because moms are taking the lead to do the most
important thing for our church today, strengthening our families. As the Great Saint John Paul II said,

       'As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.'

The Pass It On conference with 15 popular presenters will challenge parents to consider what they are
passing on to their children, and they don’t mean treasury bonds or property. Each speaker makes a
strong case to consider a topic or “item” to place into their children’s proverbial backpacks as they
prepare to make their journey through life to adulthood, a journey that will ultimately lead to God.
The topics cover a wide variety from the basics such as, Good Manners by Lindsay Schlegel and
Healthy Eating Habits , by Katie Kimball, to deeper understanding of concepts like Forgiveness by
Celeste Behe and what it means to be truly Chaste by Lisa Mladinich.

Popular Mom writer, Danielle Bean and everyone’s favorite Holy Land tour guide, Steve Ray give you glimpses inside their family life along with their favorite suggestions for how to pass on Learning and Joy to your children.

The first step along this path that both parents and children need to cultivate is Prayer , by Heather
Johnson. This leads to helping your children Trust in God , by Tami Kiser, and to develop a Relationship with Mary, by Marge Fenelon. Thank God, for the Sacraments , by Allison Gingras for practical, real spiritual help in all of these matters.

Finally, to help your children along their path to God, you need to pack away Love in the Family , by
Colleen Duggan. Let’s not forget to get the whole Community , by Cam Fradd, involved. Spouses
especially need each other in this task. Even recent studies show us how important a Strong Marriage , by Kathleen Billings, is for children.

As children get older, they must start to make this journey their own by developing their Teenage Faith , by Michele Houmis and Gabe Lewis. Keith Kiser, adds that giving your children appreciation and experiences of Wonder and Beauty will allow them to always be open to find their way to God.
Join with thousands of other moms as we all consider these weighty matters.

The online conference is free Oct. 10-15. You can sign up anytime at

If you’d like “more” out of the conference, the presentations are available along with over $150 of free bonuses for Catholic moms, in the More 4 Mom Package . These presentations with Discussion Guide, are perfect to watch and talk about with your spouse, parent group, mom group, or neighborhood book club. You can check that out here: more-4-mom-package {I make a portion back for my blog on every sale and the rest of the money goes towards making other great programs for Catholic women. Thanks for your support.}

So what are you putting in your children’s backpack?