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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Catholic Paper Dolls

Ok, so I had nothing to do with making this set, but it is just too wonderful not to share. Catholic Heritage Curricula offers this amazing paper doll world as a digital download. I love it because you can print out as many people to make just the right size family for you and even fill the church with lots of families or print out more vestments so the colors can change for the different liturgical seasons. We used file folders to organize the rooms and envelopes to keep the people and accessories in. There isn't a living room in the set so we drew one and you could draw in extra rooms too. The possibilities are endless with this creative set perfect for rainy days or quiet time. At only $3.95 it is a bargain for hours of fun Our Catholic Family Paper Dolls

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day and FREE Trinity Coloring page

Good Day Everyone! I would really love to share with you this coloring page for the Blessed Trinity in honor of St. Patrick.

Many people celebrate this day without pause and true reflection on God's goodness. In his wisdom Patrick's teaching on the Blessed Trinity was one people could related to and better understand this great foundation of our faith. He used the shamrock to express how the Trinity was one God with three divine persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.  The prayer on this coloring page is the last stance from the Breast Plate of St. Patrick and expresses beautifully the Blessed Trinity.

Please take a moment to reflect on God's goodness today and praise Him for his faithful servant St. Patrick.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

First Communion Veil Giveaway!

I am so excited to share this First Communion veil giveaway with you. Here are some pictures of the veil we are giving away.  Simply follow the instructions on Rafflecopter to enter. There are two options you can use one or both; the visit Etsy shop option is mandatory though. The giveaway is open now and will end March 21st.



Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Catholic Conference 4 Moms Discount Code

If you missed the conference this weekend, don't worry! Its available for purchase at and if you use the coupon code SaongJai you can get $10 off the already great conference price.

Click here to purchase the conference

 This conference is a wonderful resource for mothers with 27 amazing presentations to encourage and inspire you plus you can use it to share with other moms in groups or at home there is a great discussion guide that comes with the purchase. In addition to all of that they have a download and discount goodie bag for you with ebooks, discounts, and an amazing craft download from Arma Dei: The Mysteries of the Rosary with Kelly Saints Craft Kit includes 34 pages of templates! ($13 value)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Spiritual Bouquet Coloring Cards and FREE Sample for You

Just finished a set of printable coloring page spiritual bouquet cards.  After being printed out, colored in, and paired with construction paper this is what they look like. 13 different cards are included in this collection, so there is a card for nearly every occasion.

The whole set is available on Etsy for just $5 Spiritual Bouquet Cards  Mother's Day, Father's Day, Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation, Marriage, Holy Orders, Sympathy, Paschal Feast, Birthday, Anniversaries, and a blank card. These are made to print out on a full sheet of paper fold and Place inside a colorful construction paper cover.

These are perfect for something to do with your little ones or if you are like me and still like to color when you are grown up! A great indoor craft with lots of intricate coloring to pass the cold days crafting these spiritual bouquet cards. You could get a whole set going then have a box of lovingly made cards for anytime you need a quick thoughtful gift.  It's also a great way to encourage little ones to pray for other's. They will get to choose what they want to offer up as a prayer for the recipient. Not every gift in the world needs to be a material one, in fact I think it's very important to instil the value of sacrifice and prayer for others as a valuable gift. This season of Lent is a perfect time to start a project like this. One could make up all the cards and keep them in a file for use when you need a card or gift for an occasion. There are a number of ways you could craft these cards. I like the way shown in the pictures above but you could cut instead of fold and place the image on the front of the card. Also they could be printed to make small cards the possibilities are vast.

I'd like to offer this FREE non specific occasion sample for you to use.

Monday, March 2, 2015

FREE St. Joseph Prayer Coloring Page

Here is a free St. Joseph Prayer coloring page. March is dedicated to St Joseph and he is traditionally depicted with a Lily and carpenter square.

FREE Online Catholic Conference for Moms!

BannerFans.comHi Everyone, there is this amazing free resource for you called Catholic Conference 4 Moms coming up at the end of the week March 6-9, 2015.

Every day during the conference, Friday, March 6- Monday,March 9, you will have access to 5-6 talks, just as if you were at a live conference. This link will come via email. What's different is that you can choose which talks you want to watch or listen to and when you you want to do it.  Early morning? Wonderful.  Nap time?  Great.  Before bed?  Super.  Car line?  Fine, as long as you don't try to watch while driving!

You can attend the conference totally free this weekend! There will be no obligation to purchase anything, but after the conference is over, it will all be available for purchase for one low price of  $39.99 and use the code SaongJai for $10 off!  This will include online access to all the videos, as well as a download of every video presentation.  And besides all of this, there will also be bonus downloads, PDFs, discussion questions, ebooks, and other goodies.

The hope is that with this package you not only can enjoy the conference again at your own convenience, but you can also share the conference with other moms, perhaps in a support group setting or just over tea. Each presentation in the conference package will include discussion questions.

I think this is a wonderful's difficult for mothers to get away for a weekend and this is a simply way to recharge without rearranging your schedule!