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Tuesday, December 29, 2015

A Rosary Hanger Giveaway

Well we thought it would be nice to encourage the Christmas celebration all through Christmastide. So we are giving away a lovely rosary hanger on the 12th day of Christmas. What a neat way to display your rosaries so they are easily accessible and always visible as a reminder to pray.
Just hop on over to the  facebook page and follow the instructions there. No widgets to bother with or emails to enter, all you do if post a link to your favorite rosary hanger from the Etsy shop on the facebook page post. A winner will be selected on the 12th day of Christmas.

**Rosary Hanger Giveaway**Our most popular Item this year was the Rosary Hanger! And to thank you all for making that a...
Posted by Saongjai on Saturday, December 19, 2015

Thursday, December 17, 2015

FREE Nativity Coloring Page

When I was little there was this priest, Fr. Sacco who came to our village and said an English Mass for the handful of foreigners there. I will never forget him. I am especially fond of the nativity scene he always set up at the Cathedral in the big city down the way from us. He would construct this elaborate scenery for the nativity and always built this impressive cave for a stable. I couldn't find any coloring pages with a nativity scene in a cave so here you go in case you were looking for one too!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Gaudete Sunday Giveaway

We thought it would be nice to host a little Giveaway and it's open now through Gaudete Sunday!
The giveaway is for this lovely silver-toned Miraculous Medal & Crucifix Necklace with light rose crystals wrapped into the design.

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Immaculate Conception

Here is an image I really love. Surely we will see many beautiful depictions of the Blessed Virgin Mary floating around and they are all glorious, but this one tells the story. The Story of salvation history and the whole reason why we are celebrating the feast of the Immaculate Conception. You see, that sticky business about the fall of man needed to be rectified. Our God is one of infinite Mercy and full of love for us!

Adam and Eve our first parents opened the door with their first sin and tainted all of humanity with Original Sin. Well, God had a plan and that was to send His Son Jesus to save us. He chose to accomplish this through a new Eve: Mary. " Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel." Isaiah 7:14  .  One must ask how could the Lord of all Creation take up a home in the womb of a person with the stain of Original Sin? Jesus hadn't yet come to save us so there was no baptism available to wash away Mary's Original Sin. But never fear there was a greater plan and that was The Immaculate Conception. Her conception in the womb of St. Anne was miraculous because St. Anne was barren and quite old to begin with, but there was more. God choose to wipe away the stain of Original Sin in Mary at the moment of her conception...she was conceived without Original Sin. Not because she was without the need for a savior but that Our Savior chose to save her first.
A favorite book of mine is titled The Mystical City of God by venerable Mary of Agreda. A very detailed private revelation about the life of the Virgin Mother of God. Click the image below to listen to an audio version or download the book. Only the first book is currently in audio at the moment, but that's great because a story of the Immaculate Conception is in that part!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Where is the Love for Our Red, White, and Blue?

Good morning folks. I am not sure if this is bugging you as much as it is me, but I am wondering why I don't see facebook flooded with profile pictures showing the compassion and mercy we poured our for France when everyone heard of the tragic terrorist attack there. Our beloved Country and the people of San Bernardino deserve to see our love and support too, but most of all have our prayers! They need our prayers for peace and God's Mercy to carry them through such a senseless tragedy. 

There are so many questions this boils up in me. Have we become desensitized to violence and the loss of precious life? Is this a side affect to a culture of death? Do you remember what tragedy and terrorism felt like on 911? Let us not become deaf to the cry and pain of human suffering throughout the world, but most especially not to our fellow countrymen!  Be shocked, be outraged, and cry to our God for Mercy. Fast, pray for peace, & pray for our beautiful United States of America.

Join me will you, in making this image your profile picture?

Maybe you would rather have a cover banner instead of changing your profile picture.

As we journey into this season of Advent, I say let us pray, fast, and love! Jesus wants us to love. The world needs more love from everyone. And not the comfortable love but real love. Compassion for those suffering rom injustice, hunger, cold, abandonment, and also for those who are deceived. Real love lets the truth be told and still shows mercy to humanity. Jesus didn't stone to death Mary Magdalene, He loved her, but he told her to go and sin no more. He didn't say it's all cool carry on your merry way!

What are some things you can do to prepare this Advent for Jesus? Maybe you can think of little ways to let Love ripple forth from your family into your community:

    Visit the elderly, find a Charity to work with that brings joy to people, do things that will help the    cold and hungry.
    Seek out the suffering at home in your community. Maybe there is a family in need at your church...ask your pastor if there are families that need help this time of year. 

    Give to your local food bank.

    There is this sweet charity called Lydia's Love that makes birthday dreams come true for homeless and underprivileged children who might never get a party.

    I asked my husband if he could cut some extra wood this year incase there were people who might need it this winter.

Stop and think about what you can doesn't take much to make a difference...just a little bit of thought, some small sacrifice, and LOVE!I challenge you to make a difference. Leave a comment about what you will be doing to show God's love this time of year! Or share a link to one of your favorite Charities!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

FREE St. Lucy Coloring Page

St. Lucy is celebrated on Dec 13th and here is a beautiful coloring page free just for you. We love to celebrate the saints so here are some links we love that you might too.

St. Lucias Braided Bread  Celebrating the Feast of St. Lucy  Ideas for Celebrating Santa Lucia Day Celebrating St. Lucy's Day with Kids

      To print the coloring page save the image first and then you'll be able to select how to print it out. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

FREE Baby's First Christmas Ornament Printable

Hello there, I made a set of boy and girl baby's first Christmas ornament printables for our shop and was thinking it would be so nice to offer my dear readers a free version! Just click on the image below and it will take you to download the pdf with instructions.
And here is an all in one cut out fold and paste cube version

The boy and girl set below is for purchase can be found in our shop...we can also customize the file with your child's full name. These make great gifts for new babies or God-children. The best part is that you get to be a little part of the making and some extra love goes into the gift!