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Monday, November 28, 2016

Our Advent Plans and a FREE Advent Calendar

So with the new baby we are going to keep doing things kind of simple this Advent. I am just using our Advent Calendar to plan things out which is FREE for you to use too!
I will add in the coloring pages from my Advent Activity pack.
and make the ornaments for the O Antiphons from them. Each Sunday we'll read the Mass readings together as a family and let the kids color the corresponding stained glass window coloring page (this has the readings on it so you can crack open the Bible and find them easily).

We are also going to play a little game with Abigail the Angel. This one is easy for me because I just hide the angel at night and place her with one of the cards for the kids to find in the morning. She sends the child on little mercy missions each day to help them prepare their hearts for Jesus!

Have a blessed Advent!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Coffee & Crayons: FREE Giving Thanks Coloring Page

This past Sunday I listened to an inspiring homily from our bishop and I really want to share my thoughts about it with you. The point of his homily was to encourage us to continue the year of Mercy in our daily lives even though this special year is coming to a close. He directed us to look at the visitation: Mary went to visit Elizabeth and reminds us of Jesus' call to visit the sick, the lonely, the imprisoned, and the forgotten. We need to continue showing mercy to those around us!

I came across this verse when looking for something that ties into Thanksgiving for this month's quote and I just love it! As this year of Mercy ends, we need to remember that God's Mercy endures forever and so we should also continue to walk in that Mercy and dish it out to everyone around us.
      Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good,
      His mercy endures forever. Psalms 118:1

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Handmade Christmas Gift Guide and Giveaway

Before you hit the shops for Black Friday next week, keep in mind giving a heartfelt and handcrafted item that supports a Catholic Family.
Here are some of my favorite items to give people. A few of them are from my shop, some form friends I know and others just cool Catholic stuff I have stumbled upon around the web.

I have a tendency to lean towards giving a gift with meaning...either it's something I have made or I like to add in a wee reminder of the faith :) I am not sure if everyone appreciates this or not, but it's my little way. Plus it feels good to give a handmade gift, and if you are not the crafty type well then this post will help you find something heartfelt plus help out the awesome people who make these things. Feel good about what your hard earned money is being spent on and shop with confidence that the folks who put a lot of heart into their craft will not be giving your money away to causes that contradict your faith :)

The good part you have read through this whole post for: The Giveaway!!!
The Giveaway will start Nov 17th and end Nov 23rd.. It is open to US & Canadian Residents.
There will be 1 winner selected the items shown below: 1. St. Nicholas Printables 2. Cute Nativity Gift Tag Printables 3. Vintage or Old World Master Ornament 4. Sew your own Soft Nativity Kit. Winners will be notified by email so please make sure when you enter the Rafflecopter that your information is correct, prize must be claimed within 3 days or I will select a new recipient.

With the start of Advent right around the corner, we have put together this awesome printable Cute Saint Advent Actvity pack to keep the little ones focused and having fun through Advent!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A New Little One Joins Our Crew!

So we had a surprise early visit from our new little man! He was supposed to be delivered on October 17th but had other arrival plans. We are all smitten especially the girls. They want to love and cuddle the new little life God has blessed us with.
I get a lot of comments after people ask how old everyone one is...all the kiddos are just about 4 years apart. The comments go something like, "wow you planned that out perfectly". Now I'm not a witty quick to respond person. What usually comes out is no I didn't really mastermind any of this, it just worked out that way. What I'd love people to know is that we are not in control and wish to leave the blessing of children up to God. I also wish people knew how hard of a journey bringing life into this world for us is. Each of our children here with us is a rainbow baby and preceded with the loss of a precious little life not destined for this world. Pregnancy is a difficult and painful journey for me as I have constant contractions early on and have to supplement with injections through out to maintain our precious little life.

Every family has different struggles and blessings. For some, the begetting of children is easy and for others it's hard or impossible. Whatever your story is, you can know that our sweet Lord has allowed the struggles and blessings to benefit your journey home to Heaven. Hardly anyone wants to hear that life is lined with struggle here, but the reality of it all is that Jesus came to show us the way and His life was full of hardship and struggles. So if we are to pick up our cross and follow Him, there will be some struggles along the way, but nothing that He can't see us though or even carry us for part of the way. Life is not only about the struggles, but joys too! God determines to fill our souls with joy to lift us up and also bless us amid the struggles.
This precious new baby is such a joy for our family. He melts everyone's heart and brings a smile to all our faces. I am over come with love for this little fellow. All the struggle and pain for the last 9 months & surgery starts to melt away and I am so blessed. Everyone is blessed, and there is also a big opening of hearts as we all have to give a little more of ourselves to make room for our new addition. Children provide lots of opportunity for growth in selflessness, compassion, & service to others.

Thank you Jesus for our little blessings!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Remembering the Departed FREE Printable

This month of November is dedicated to All Souls. Here is a FREE printable you can use to help pray for those who have gone before us. This is how the Church remembers our dearly departed folks, don't buy into the pagan Day of the Dead rigmarole! Here is one of the best articles I have found as food for thought on the compatibility of Dia de Los Muertos with the Catholic Faith: Is Dia de los Muertos really a Catholic holiday?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Coffee & Crayons: FREE St. Pope JPII Quote Coloring Page

So a couple days from now the feast day for St. Pope John Paul II will be right upon us. Here is a coloring page of quote from him that I just love. A majority of the world runs around thinking that "Freedom" has only to do with what they personally want to do in life. This quote beautifully sums up what our freewill and freedom are truly all about. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

10 Tips For Praying the Rosary with Children

October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. This beautiful prayer is a contemplation on the life of Christ and is a great way to tell the story of good news to little ones. You may think it an impossible task to pray the Rosary with small children, but I assure you that with a little effort and consistency it will be a beautiful time of prayer with your family.

1.Take the time to explain the mysteries to the children kind of like story time and bring the life of Christ fully alive for them.

2.Allow them time to add their own special intentions for the Rosary you are praying, this will be something exciting for them to look forward to.

3. If you can't get through an entire Rosary at one sitting consider praying one decade each sitting and get through a set of mysteries for the week.

4. Get the kids their own special rosaries. Or better yet, make rosaries together for all of you to use!

5. Have them color while praying the rosaries...there are lots of FREE coloring pages out there with the mysteries of the rosary as subject matter.

6. On special occasions, pray a candy/treat rosary. You can use Chocolate or carob chips for the hail Mary's and MnM's, fruit pieces, or marshmallows for the Our Father's :)

7. Make a special mysteries of the rosary booklet your kiddos can flowing along with. If they make it, it will be even more special to the. You can always find a children's rosary booklet on the web or at your local Catholic book shop.

8. Make a giant rosary to use as a living rosary while praying together! You can check out the one we made here.

9. Go to Daily Mass somewhere they pray the rosary prayer is beautiful and the kids will enjoy participating with prayers they know!

10. Find a Children's rosary recording to pray along with. This is great for car rides or just to switch it up a bit.

Some Links for resources and history on the Rosary:
Our Lady of the Rosary Coloring Page - From Life, Love, & Sacred Art
Coloring Pages for the Mysteries of the Rosary - From Family in Feast and Feria
13 Ways A Busy Mom Can Pray The Rosary  - From

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Coffee and Crayons: FREE Marian Quote Coloring Page

I was afraid, very afraid of giving too much attention to Our Blessed Mother when I was younger. Now, I was raised a cradle Catholic, but my precious mamma is a convert to Catholicism and while she made sure we knew our basic prayers and especially loved Jesus, there wasn't too much delving into the lives of the saints and not a lot of focus on Our Lady. I didn't learn to say the rosary until I was in High School and was on my own journey deepening my faith. In fact, I don't think before High School I had ever even prayed a rosary [...GASP...] 
When I read this quote from St. Max, it just really touched me. How could we ever love Mary more than Jesus did? A true and genuine devotion to our Blessed Mother always will lead us to Jesus because her will is perfectly united to His. She has the most humble servants heart and always is desiring to draw us closer to her beloved Son.  

The FREE coloring page above is part of a collection of different quotes from various saints about the Blessed Virgin Mary and you can find the set up in the shop.

Don't forget to check back next month for a new great FREE coloring page! You can find the growing collection of coloring pages and activities here.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Seven Sorrows of Our Lady and FREE Coloring Pages

September is dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows. Today is also the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and a fitting time to contemplate these Seven Sorrows of Our Lady. The Holy Cross was probably one of our Lady's biggest sorrows. Being a mother, I can't even imagine the emotions and sorrow connected to it for her and still she said YES to all of God's Holy Will.

I have a beautiful ancient little book titled The Seven Sorrows of Mary which I am going to share with you a few highlights and scripture about the sorrows. At the bottom of the post, you'll see the FREE coloring pages for the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady.
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The First Sorrow:
The Prophecy of Simeon
" and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted  (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”  Luke 2: 34-33
How would you like it if someone told you just a few days after your baby was born that he was going to cause you great pain and suffering in life and others too! I would be positively crushed if someone said my beautiful little baby would be rejected and outcast in life...that is nothing a new mother wants to hear.
~ - ~
The Second Sorrow:
The Flight into Egypt
" The Flight to Egypt. When they had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going to search for the child to destroy him.”  Joseph rose and took the child and his mother by night and departed for Egypt. He stayed there until the death of Herod, that what the Lord had said through the prophet might be fulfilled, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Matt 2:13-15
The hits just keep on a coming, now the Holy Family has to pack up in the middle of the night and move to a foreign country where they don't know anyone or have jobs lined out or even any idea where they are gonna live. Through all this Mary said YES to God.
~ - ~
The Third Sorrow:
The Loss of Jesus for Three Days
" The Boy Jesus in the Temple. Each year his parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover,  and when he was twelve years old, they went up according to festival custom. After they had completed its days, as they were returning, the boy Jesus remained behind in Jerusalem, but his parents did not know it.  Thinking that he was in the caravan, they journeyed for a day and looked for him among their relatives and acquaintances, but not finding him, they returned to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions, and all who heard him were astounded at his understanding and his answers. When his parents saw him, they were astonished, and his mother said to him, “Son, why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been looking for you with great anxiety.” Luke 2:42-48
Can you imagine loosing Jesus? Think about the sorrow you feel when you are far away from Him due to your sins. Then think how Mary must have felt to not have Jesus close to her and she didn't even do anything to cause it.
~ - ~
The Fourth Sorrow:
The Meeting on the Way to Calvary
"A large crowd of people followed Jesus, including many women who mourned and lamented him." Luke 23:27
Mary was there silently suffering as she watched her beloved son endure all this horrible torture. These last four sorrows were probably just one big sadness for Mary as she watched helpless to do anything to comfort her sweet, precious, and innocent Son. And still she said YES to God through her silent suffering.
~ - ~
The Fifth Sorrow:
Calvary the Crucifixion
"The Crucifixion. And when they came to a place called Golgotha (which means Place of the Skull),  they gave Jesus wine to drink mixed with gall. But when he had tasted it, he refused to drink.  After they had crucified him, they divided his garments by casting lots; then they sat down and kept watch over him there." Matt 27: 33-36
I have few words for this, I have never lost a child living outside my womb. The sadness of miscarrying a baby I am sure pails in comparison to a baby you have held in your arms and loved and cared for. It wasn't even an accidental loss, but rather, Our Lady had to watch helplessly as they killed her innocent child. This also was in God's plan and she still said YES because cause she loved God and longed for the salvation of humanity...her will was and is perfectly united to the Father's. 
~ - ~
The Sixth Sorrow:
Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross, The Pieta
" When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who was himself a disciple of Jesus. He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus; then Pilate ordered it to be handed over. Taking the body, Joseph wrapped it [in] clean linen "  Matt 27:57-59
Jesus was finally taken down from the cross, the masses were no longer jeering and starting at His humiliating death. Mary could hold her precious child close in her arms like she had wanted to through this whole horrific ordeal. Now though, His beautiful presence was gone once again from her and the sorrow overwhelming. But she continued to say YES to all of Our Heavenly Father's plan. 
~ - ~
The Seventh Sorrow:
The Burial of Jesus
"They took the body of Jesus and bound it with burial cloths along with the spices, according to the Jewish burial custom. Now in the place where he had been crucified there was a garden, and in the garden a new tomb, in which no one had yet been buried. So they laid Jesus there because of the Jewish preparation day; for the tomb was close by." John 19:40-42
Jesus came into this world without a place to lay his head and leaving it was buried in a borrowed tomb...His mother was poor and had nothing to give Him. What mother doesn't want to give their baby the world and how we all clamor to make sure things are just right before baby comes and goodness forbid we have to burry a child, I am sure we would all want to honor as best we could that precious life. Mary truly is the humble handmaid of the Lord, she just said ok God, it is what it is and I am good with Your Will!     

Through all of her sorrows Mary said YES to God. We need to look at her life and try a little to say yes to God in the difficult times. He carried her through it all and will also carry us too, if we submit and say YES like Mary. It may not be easy but after all, Jesus came to show the way and it wasn't exactly a walk in the park for Him. So what makes us think we can skate through this life unscathed by a little suffering or that we should even try and wiggle out of most of it! 

You can find all of the FREE coloring pages here, there is also a beautiful Crucifix coloring page.

The book Stood the Mornful Mother Weeping, will be FREE on Kindle Friday, April 3rd 2020. If you would like, check it out. It's not a formulated Station's of the Cross, but more of a beautiful picture book with a hymn. 

Monday, September 12, 2016

What's Coming Up: Blog Schedule

So I thought that I'd clue you in to what we are going to be talking about here for the rest of September and October. Sometimes I post FREE coloring pages and activities ahead of time and other times I have them scheduled for the specific day of celebration. If you want to use some of my  printables and activities here is the list of what's going to be available as a resource for Sep & Oct!

Sep14th Seven Sorrows of Our Lady & FREE Coloring Pages

Sep 21st  Coffee & Crayons: FREE Marian Quote Coloring Page

Sep 28th FREE St. Michael Prayer Card 

Sep 30th FREE St. Therese of Lisieux Mobile Craft

Oct 5th Divine Mercy & St. Faustina FREE Coloring Page

Oct 12th 10 Tips For Praying the Rosary with Kids

Oct 19th Coffee & Crayons:  FREE St. Pope JPII Quote Coloring Page 

Oct 26th  FREE Advent Calendar and Advent Activity Pack Giveaway

So there ya have what's coming up and I really hope you do stay tuned because I have some even more exciting posts scheduled for November & Dec.

You can find all my FREE coloring pages and activities here or by clicking the picture below.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Happy Birthday Blessed Mother and a FREE Printable

Did you know today is the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary? We usually have a little party in her honor her and make some goodies to go with a spot of tea.
In past years I have even had it together enough to bake an awesome cake! (My kids still talk about our cool cake that we made a grotto out of black colored caramel corn for Our Lady.
So even if your super awesomeness isn't consistent and the creative spurts are here and there, just remember that even the little that you do, your children will cherish)
This year we are celebrating quite simply as our new baby is getting close to making his arrival and this mamma is quite tired. Some things we will do today are read a little bit about Our Blessed Mother, add in some coloring pages to our school day for her, and maybe watch one of the Marian CCC of America cartoons :) I really wanted to make it to Mass this morning but after a rough night of contractions and lack of sleep I woke up as Mass was just starting! Here is to making it next year!

Some great ways to honor and celebrate today might be...
Go to Mass:
Say a Rosary, Read about Our Lady, or Learn a new Marian Prayer!
Make a Rosary:
Make a Marian Craft:
Make a Tasty Treat:
Other Ways to Celebrate:

Because it's our Lady's Birthday, I thought I would share with you one of the cute certificates in my new Cute Saint Classroom Awards Printable. I call it the Immaculate Hart of Mary Birthday Award.
You can find the complete set of 20 different cute saint awards in the shop here

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Back to Homeschool & Catholic Preschool Printables Giveaway

You can enter the Giveaway at the end of this post!

We officially started back to our homeschool studies. Not that we really took a full break over the summer. It feels good to get back into the swing of more structured learning. This year we have two little students at the table in Pre-K (Lily) and 2nd grade (Rose). Last year was a bit of a struggle with a lot of things for Rose, our oldest. We have an official diagnosis of dyslexia and alexia and are still investigating other issues. Hopefully this year with therapy and extra help it will be less of a struggle for all of us.
We are starting out this year all together with morning time around the school/kitchen table! It went splendidly and really helped set a happy tone for the day. Our morning time includes the Pledge of Allegiance, our morning prayer, tea with breakfast or a snack, saint study, religion, a little coloring, and some read aloud time from various books.
Rose(8): We are using mostly CHC for Rose but substituting some subjects: All About Reading and Math. Lily (4): We are using my Catholic Preschool Printables and she loves it!
The Blessed Mother is the patroness of our Homeschool. She and the little angels watch over us throughout our day!
 Who is the patron or patroness of your homeschool? Do you have a favorite prayer you start your day with?

You can enter the giveaway through Rafflecopter below and here are the details. On Sep 14th the winners will be selected. The Giveaway is open to anyone. There are 3 PDF prizes 1st: Catholic Preschool Printables 2nd: Large Saint Alphabet Flashcards 3rd: Cute Saint Classroom Awards


Link up a post you have about Morning Baskets, Morning Time, Together Time...whatever you want to call it :)

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

FREE St. Teresa of Calcutta Word Search Activity & Giveaway

You can enter the giveaway for this Cute St. Teresa of Calcutta Backpack Clip & Holy Card set at the bottom of the post! There are 2 prizes: 1st is the Backpack Clip & Holy card set and 2nd is a digital PDF of our St. Teresa of Calcutta Coloring page, Holy Cards, & Poster Set. The winners will be selected on Sunday, September 4th.

There are some great resources out there to help you learn more about Mother Teresa and celebrate her upcoming canonization. Here are some helpful links:
A Slice of Smith Life - Simple Ways to Celebrate
Shower of Roses - Mother Teresa Picture Books & Giveaway!
Copper Top Kitchen - St. Teresa of Calcutta Party
Life Love & Sacred Art - FREE St. Teresa of Calcutta Quote Coloring Page
Catholic Mommy Blogs- 8 Reflections on Mother Teresa's Life

I thought it would be fun to post a few different word search activity sheets. I've included varying degrees of difficulty along with a simple letter search for your wee little learners so they can join in the fun too!

If you are looking for more activities and something fun to celebrate Mother Teresa's canonization with, we have a cute printable! Available is a coloring page, holy card, and poster set up in the shop!